Git 2 Steppin’
Location: Terrapin
PAX: Inspector, Crayola, Weaver, Wiley, Encinoman, Abacadaba, Quickie, Tickle
Warmup: 20 SSH IC
The Thang:
Inspired by Cameron Dorn's newest step up world record and a Halloween playlist curated by the geniuses at Amazon Music:
5 minutes continuous step ups followed by a Rx exercise called. Rinse/repeat. Exercises as follows:
25 squats / 25 big bois / 25 Bonnie's hard way / 50 gas pumpers / 100 calf raises / 25 burpees
Announcements: Convergences everywhere. Pistol, Columbia, etc. Nips Out November challenge starts tomorrow, or Moob something or another if you're soft.
Prayer Requests: EM's wife's grandparents, Weaver's wife
Aba doing a lot of filming while making unnaturally extended eye contact this morning. Not sure what all that was about.
General consensus is that Reese's peanut butter cups are the best Halloween candy. Except Crayola, who prefers cow tails and Heath bars. I read somewhere they just recycle old Communist newspapers and outdated confectioners sugar to make those.
Candy corn is delicious and should be a pantry staple for all red-blooded Americans. Life hack: poor man's butterfinger = handful of candy corn + handful peanuts. The more you know.
Tickle found a razor blade on the ground. Y'all double-check your chirrun's cow tails and Heath bars tonight. The more you know.
Respectfully yours,
Halloween Run
Location: Starbucks
Conditions: Warm and Damp (aka - moist).
PAX: Tweeter, Flea, Dixie Chick, Mary Anne, Pothole, Piddler, Beano, kobayashi
What we did: Some ran, one rucked.
- Convergence at the Pistol on Nov 5th for their 1 year anniversary
- Convergence in Columbia on Nov 12th for MORONS4BEER
- Merkin Challenge starts tomorrow
Prayer Request: was skipped because I was distracted by a side conversation between Pothole and Tweeter. From that conversation we learned that Tweeter's van is in need of some TLC.
I continue to request prayer.
Devotional: I told the men in attendance, "I hope this is the hardest thing you do today, but if you are a husband or father, that's probably not going to be the case." We need each other for accountability, strength, and support not just for the workouts but for life.
We closed out in prayer.
Friday Fall Run
PAX: TootsieRoll,Goose,Kobyashi,Pacer,SB, Maryann,Bengay,Beano,Flea,Piddler, SpecialK,missing 1? If we had 13?
Warmup (if any):
The Thang:
We ran some miles
11/5 Pistol Abbeville convergence 6am Lynne's Cafeteria afterwards BYOsmokes
11/12 Beer4Morons convergence Lexington sign up NOW
Moobs November challenge is on the spreadsheet
Prayer Requests:
Koby 2.0 continue tests pray for Doctors and a solution
F3 Exlax fallen brother part of Waxhaw AO
Great fall temps fair show of Pax today get up and get out make it a habit the cold is coming
Narrowly Defeating The Fartsack
Location: Talon
PAX: Special K, Wile-E, Foreclosure, Sunshine, Dixie Chick, Fratelli, Landline, Tickle, Quickie, Sharpie, Brut
Warmup (if any): Not sure (we'll get to why in a minute)
The Thang: A monster heaping helping of 21-15-9 pain distributed by Wile-E thanks to YHC awakening from my slumber at 6. YHC rolled in on 2 wheels, at about 6:15, fell into formation with a coupon, and Work went as follows:
21-15-9 was the count and a lap around football field = 1 round 3 rounds of each set were done.
Round 1: 21 Curls, 15 Thrusters, 9 Manmakers
Round 2: 21 Bent Over Rows 15 Goblet Squats, 9 Burpees
Round 3: 21 Merkins, 15 Bonnie's the hard way, 9 Murder 🐰's
With about 10 minutes to go, YHC took over Q.
Work: 1-10 Ascending Ladder of each of the following: Alternating Block Merkins (L and R = 1 rep), Big Boy Sit-ups, Thrusters. So 1/1/1 then 2/2/2 and so on, until Recover called at 0700.
Announcements: Convergence at Pistol next Saturday the 5th @6. Columbia Convergence the 12th, all the instant mashed potatoes we can get our hands on in the next 2 weeks. Turn in to AOQ's.
Prayer Requests: Wedded bliss for Sunshines buddy, and all unspoken.
NMM: Shout out to Wile-E for stepping up and filling the gap for YHC's almost fartsacking behind. I awoke in horror to my alarm saying 6 AM. But the drive to be there for my brothers, and not wanting to see that dang 🚨 and my name under it got me there, albeit it 15 minutes late. Moral of the story, show up, show out, even if it's a bit late. Good work brothers, and I truly appreciate the push and accountability.
Until next time, Brut is signing off.
21/15/9 and a sample of Loredo
Abba, Tickle, Maryanne, Quickie
Warmup (if any):
20 SSH
10 cut the grass
The Thang:
Mosey to the coupon cage. Each Pax grab a coupon. Partner up. Pax #1 carry both coupons towards pull-up bars while Pax #2 drops and does 15 merkins. After merkins Pax #2 sprints and catches Pax #1. Swap off until you reach the monkey bars.
21 pull-ups
21 chest press
21 goblet squats
15 pull-ups
15 chest press
15 goblet squats
9 pull-ups
9 chest press
9 goblet squats
21 man makers
21 merkins
21 curls
15 man makers
15 merkins
15 curls
9 man makers
9 merkins
9 curls
Sample of Loredo 6 rounds
24 squats
24 merkins
24 walking lunges
Run to the third light pole and back
Continue until 5:55.Time called. I believe Abba was on round 4 but I'm not quite sure. Everyone else had finished at least 2 rounds.
5 minutes left. Partner up. Pax #1 carry both coupons towards coupon cage while Pax #2 drops and does 15 flutter kicks. After flutter kicks Pax #2 sprints and catches Pax #1. Swap off until you reach the Coupon cage.
11/5 convergence at the pistol 1 year anniversary Bootcamp starts at 6
11/12 epic convergence in Columbia with Waxhaw and Columbia Bootcamp at 10
Prayer Requests:
Max is 11! Happy birthday!
NMM: Great job Men!
Fury 10/27 BB
Location: Fury
PAX: Inspector, Foreclosure, Chicksie Dix, Uncle Jesse, Brut, Duggar
Warmup (if any): 20 SSH, 21 Butt kickers, 20.5 high knees (lost count on last two)
The Thang:
Mosey to Jugg's Yield and work until Foreclosure rumbled up in the tow truck: 25 squats / 25 merkins / 25 abs
Mosey to Emerald Baptitholic Church: 25 box jumps / 25 decline merkins / 25 leg raises
Mosey to licka sto (sub-8 pace): 24 Bulgarian 🇧🇬 split squats (12 ea leg) / 25 decline merkins / 50 calf raises / 1-10 sissy squats (Duggar demonstrated, I don't think we did them correctly)
Mosey to Fazoli's Hill (sub-8 pace 😰): 50 big boo 👻 sit-ups to catch our breath (everyone lost count and we were just going to stop when someone else did but no one stopped so we probably did 60) / hill sprints x3 (AYG to Pioneer entrance, walk back)
Slow mosey to Junior: 80% sprint up, jog back / back pedal up, jog back
Mosey to murderer's row: AYG / mosey alternating between light posts
Hill suicides on Fury Road: sprint to speed limit sign, mosey back / sprint to reflectors, mosey back / sprint to Merrywood Island, mosey back
Mosey back to cars
Announcements: Convergence in Columbia, 1 year anniversary Pistol convergence in Abbeville (breakfast @ Lynn's after, smoke 'em if you got 'em)
Prayer Requests: None spoken
NMM: Nauseatingly good fun. Stop making excuses and come throw up in the pre-dawn gloom with us.
Respectfully yours,
Pistol BC
HMFQIC - Foreclosure
Conditions - Easy and Breezy
Warm up AKA take a lap (1/2 Mile)
25 Merkins, 25 Squats, 10 Split Squats (each leg) 25 Leg Raises, 50 flutters
Sprint up the hill as fast as you can 3x
Back pedal up the hill 2x
Bear crawl parking lot merkins. Add 1 merkin every parking space up to 17
Back to the hill for 2 more sprints.
Announcements (Convergence at The Pistol Nov. 5. Fun starts at 6am)
Prayers (Everybody and Sharpie's Co-Worker)
Everyone enjoyed their time at The Pistol this am and really enjoyed the chicken at Lynn's afterwards
See you in the morning
I am very Sneaky
Red Friday
Garvo, Cray Cray, Abba, Blu, DC
The Thang:
Run 1 mile
10 Rounds of…
10 Pullups
20 Merkins
30 Squats
Run 1 mile
- Great work gentlemen
- Snake Eyes Fart Sacked, but I’m sure he was “getting after it” at home
- I didn’t mention in the beginning that this was a partitioned Murph. Some picked up on it quicker than others
- Great to have Blu out there this morning.
- Some good-looking pullups being performed by this group. Impressed.
BabyBlu We MISS you!
SSHDon Quixote's
The Workout:
45 seconds of Abs / 10 Merkins in 15 seconds- Sit ups
- Flutter Kicks
- Freddie Mercury's
- Hello Dolly's
- LBC's
- Gas Pumper's
- 6 inches
- American Hammer's
- Scissors
- V-ups
Battle Rope version of PAX Choice
PAX 1 goes to the Battle Rope calls out an exercise for the others. Tag out after 45 seconds. Next PAX has 15 seconds to get to the rope and call the next exercise. Repeat until all PAX have had a chance on the rope.Some of the Exercises called.
- Burpees
- Bonnie Blair's
- Squats
- Rabbit Burpees
- Shoulder Taps
- 10 - 1 Mtn. Climber Burpees
- 1 - 10 Lunges with Knee Drive (the hard way)
PAX choice
- LBAC's
- Monkey Humpers
- Big Boi Sit ups
- Nov 5th convergence at The Pistol for their 1 year anniversary
- Nov 12th convergence in Columbia for MORONS4BEER with F3 Waxhaw. This is going to be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F event!
- Merkin Challenge starts 11/1. 10,000 Merkins for the month, or pick a target that is going to be difficult but achievable.
Prayer Requests:
Kobayashi-- middle daughter needs 72hr EEG with observation,
- wife's uncle in hospital ( Hospice called in)
- wife's aunt at NHC for rehab and also dealing with Terminal cancer.
- Abacadaba requested the battle rope. I wasn't 100% sure how I was going to incorporate it into the workout until we actually got to that part of the workout. Hopefully he wasn't disappointed.
- The sky was clear this morning and the stars were shining bright like diamonds.
- Flea and I saw a few shooting stars while we were standing around in the parking lot waiting on 5:15.
It Never Rains at 5:15
Location: Starbucks Run
PAX: WileE, Piddler, Southern Belle, Tweeter, Dr. Phil, Foreclosure, Uncle Jesse, Tickle, Pacer, Baby Blu, Kobayashi, Beano, Flea, MaryAnne, Weaver, Nomad, Inspector, Brut, Abacadaba, Crayola, Pusher BenGay
Once again, Tweeter was right. It never rains at 5:15. Maybe 5:16 or 5:20, but never at 5:15. 22 guys got some miles in. Some faster than others.
-11/5 convergence at the Pistol to celebrate the 1 year anniversary. BC at 6. Coffeteria at Lynn's at 7. Cigarettes are optional.
-11/12 Morons4Beer convergence in Columbia. Festivities start at 10. We are collecting mashed potatoes. $30 covers t-shirt cost, food, and remainder goes into the pot for the winning region to take home and donate to local charity. Here is the link to register -
-Merkin challenge in November. Goal is 10,000 merkins in the month. Or 333.3 merkins a day. Set a goal and achieve it.
Prayer Requests:
-Pusher's SIL had successful heart surgery and a good bill of health
-Pusher's M having eye surgery today
-Hospice has been called for Kobayashi's M's uncle. Prayers for peace and comfort for the family.
-Proverbs 17:7 (Msg), "You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another." This applies not just in the gloom, but also in life. We are called to walk with each other through the tough times and the good times. We are here to encourage each other. Reach out to a PAX who you haven't seen in awhile and see how they are doing.
-22 men defeated the fartsack today. How many will tomorrow?
Until next time,
6 pack at Terrapin
Location: Terrapin
PAX: Encino Man, Aba, Wile-E, Crayola, Flea, Quickie Warmup (if any):
20 SSH
10 Cut the grass The Thang:
Grab a block and head to the field beside the monkey bars.
50 Kettle bell swings
100 Merkins
150 Goblet squats
After 10 reps of the above exercise run to the flagpole and perform 5 Burpees and 15 flutter kicks. Run back to your block and continue until you reach the total required of each exercise.
When we got to the Goblet squats, we ran to the flagpole every 25 reps. I believe Crayola finished with Abba close behind.
11/5 Convergence at the Pistol 1 year anniversary
Bootcamp at 6
11/12 Epic Convergence in Columbia with Waxhaw and Columbia
Bootcamp at 10
Prayer Requests:
NMM: Great Job this morning guys! That was a lot of Burpees and flutter kicks. Until next time,
Max the Marvelous
Garvo, Foreclosure, Brut, Tootsie, DC, Snake Eyes, Weaver, Fratelli, Cray Cray, Duggar, Belle
Warmup (if any):
30 SSH (IC)
The Thang:
Running Clock 60 min cap
All Burpees are Burpee Block Jump Overs
After each round, backwards mosey to the tree line and mosey back.
15 Burpees and 50 big boys;
14 Burpees and 50 merkins;
13 Burpees and 50 monkey humpers;
12 Burpees and 50 flutters (count right leg only);
11 Burpees and 50 bicep curls;
10 Burpees and 50 jungle bois;
9 Burpees and 50 leg raises
8 Burpees and 50 chest presses
7 Burpees and 50 bonnie blairs (count right leg only);
6 Burpees and 50 Russian Twists (Count right side only)
5 Burpees and 50 OH Presses
4 Burpees and 50 lunge walk steps with coupon in rifle (count both legs)
3 Burpees and 50 LBCs
2 Burpees and 50 thrusters
1 burpee and 50 Pull-ups
- Great work gentlemen
- Music was mostly jambands with some Prince thrown in.
- Today is “Max the Marvelous” 11th birthday.
- Little known fact: “Marvelous Marvin Hagler” is my second favorite boxer of all time.
- 1st favorite was “Hector Macho Camacho”
- Still a lot of FSOBs out there continuing to get fatter.
- Set some goals, get intentional about it. That’s the only way you will change.
FSOB Fratelli
Garvo, LandLine, Sunshine, Sharpie, Foreclosure, Brute
Warmup (if any):
30 SSH (IC)
10 slow squats OYO
25 Mountain Climbers OYO
The Thang:
Mosey to Top of Lot
25 Merkins
25 Abs
25 Squats
Mosey to HC Entrance
25 Merkins
25 Abs
26 Lunges
Mosey to Just past FSOB Soap on Rope House
10 Burpees
10 Jungle Boi Squats
Mosey to Pusher/Sugar Hill (also FSOB)
Partner Up for work (Cumulative)
P1 works at top of hill, P2 runs to bottom and back to top
50 Burpees
100 Merkins
200 Abs
300 Squats
200 Abs
100 Merkins
Everyone to bottom of hill.
All ya Got OYO
Rep 1 – Sprint to top of hill, walk back
Rep 2 – Backwards mosey to top of hill, walk back
Rep 3 – Broad Jump to top of hill…(Holy Shit)
Mosey to Just past FSOB Soap on Rope House
10 Burpees
10 Jungle Boi Squats
Mosey to HC Entrance
25 Merkins
25 Abs
26 Lunges
Mosey to Top of Lot
25 Merkins
25 Abs
25 Squats
Cooldown – 10 Burpees OYO
- Lots of FSOBs
- Great work gentlemen
- I thought we lost Sunshine towards then end. I think the Broad Jump did him in after he smoked the sprint.
- Rap was music at hand thanks to Foreclosure
- Love Backblasts, Hate PAX who don’t post.
- Fratelli left Landline hanging, but showed up for PBRs and Breakfast
No Legs Were Harmed in the gloom at Talon
Backblast for Fury 10/18/2022
THE WORK - we went here, we went there, we went everywhere
Fun was had by all
Nov. 5 Pistol Convergence at 6am
Nov. 12 Columbia gathering (bring the taters)
Prayers sent out for everyone
See you in the am
One Minute of Burpees
- 20 SSH In Cadence
- 10 Don Quixote's In Cadence
- 10 Imperial Walkers In Cadence
- The plain ol' Burpee
- Burpee block jump-over
- Man Maker
- KettleBell Burpee (aka - The lady maker)
- Mountain Climber Burpee
- Flying Squirrels (not really a burpee but boy do we see a lot of these when Burpees are called)
- Plank Jack Burpee
- Burpee Tuck Jump
- Rabbit Burpee
- Kraken Burpee
- BDE Burpee
- American Hammers
- Burpees (didn't we just do these?)
- Flutter Kicks
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank
- Monkey Humpers
- Imperial Walkers
- Al Gore Burpees
- LBAC (forward and backward)
- Plank
- Spiderman Burpees
- Nov. 5th Anniversary Convergence at The Pistol
- Nov. 12th Post IPC MORONS4BEER Convergence in Columbia with Waxhaw.
- Get them mashed potatoes
- Quickie and JK
- Uncle of Kobayashi's wife. Hospice has been called in.
- This really sucked but not because it wasn't creative. It sucked because it was tough.
- We started off strong
- Great work was done by all. Even ol' brokeback Tickle.
- Modifications were done at some point
- All got better
