Git 2 Steppin’

Location: Terrapin

PAX: Inspector, Crayola, Weaver, Wiley, Encinoman, Abacadaba, Quickie, Tickle

Warmup: 20 SSH IC

The Thang:

Inspired by Cameron Dorn's newest step up world record and a Halloween playlist curated by the geniuses at Amazon Music:

5 minutes continuous step ups followed by a Rx exercise called. Rinse/repeat. Exercises as follows:

25 squats / 25 big bois / 25 Bonnie's hard way / 50 gas pumpers / 100 calf raises / 25 burpees

Announcements: Convergences everywhere. Pistol, Columbia, etc. Nips Out November challenge starts tomorrow, or Moob something or another if you're soft.

Prayer Requests: EM's wife's grandparents, Weaver's wife


Aba doing a lot of filming while making unnaturally extended eye contact this morning. Not sure what all that was about.

General consensus is that Reese's peanut butter cups are the best Halloween candy. Except Crayola, who prefers cow tails and Heath bars. I read somewhere they just recycle old Communist newspapers and outdated confectioners sugar to make those.

Candy corn is delicious and should be a pantry staple for all red-blooded Americans. Life hack: poor man's butterfinger = handful of candy corn + handful peanuts. The more you know.

Tickle found a razor blade on the ground. Y'all double-check your chirrun's cow tails and Heath bars tonight. The more you know.

Respectfully yours,


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