I think I’ll sleep in tomorrow


RED Friday 6/9/23


Smelt, Bengay, Duggar, Brut, Crayola, Sunshine, Tootsie Roll, Snake Eyes, Uncle Jesse, Rapunzel - Q


Mosey to Coupon Cage

The Thang

Muller (F3 Mod)

FF James Michael Muller (25)

Engine Co. 171 - Irmo FD

Died in Columbia, SC on 5/26/2023 when an apartment building he was fighting fire in collapsed on he and 7 other firefighters entrapping them. The other 7 survived their injuries.

He is survived by his parents, sister, wife and 2yo son

3 rounds (171 Reps)

400m +\- every round

20 Merkins

15 Mountain Climbers (4x)

10 Burpees

7 Goblet Squats

3(0) OHP

2x 50 ft Bear Crawl

Extra Credit

70 Big boys

70 Squats

70 Bent Over Row


Saturday Bootcamp South Main 6:00AM

FoF 5K Saturday 8:00AM

Prayer Requests

Smelt's recovery


Smelt went and gave us all a bit of a scare this morning. Since his FNG post on Monday he has not missed a workout - including Thursday's Encinoman Fury beat down - and his body finally told him it wasn't interested in keeping up with his workhorse will power. 

YHC has been encouraged today knowing we at F3 Greenwood have a group of brothers that can step in and intercede for each other real time in our times of need. 

Like you said from your spot on the Starbucks sidewalk this morning Smelt "sleep in tomorrow", you've earned it.

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