It's Never to Early to Work on Your Beach Bod


  • Epicenter


  • Abacadaba
  • BenGay
  • MaryAnne
  • Tickle
  • Dixie Chick
  • Quickie
  • Mayflower
  • Judge Harry

Warm up

  • SSH
  • CTG
  • LBAC - all — front, back, overhead claps, front claps, moroccan night club
  • Mosey to coupon cage

The Thang

  • Getting to the tennis courts
    • Farmer carry with right arm
    • 10 Merkins
    • Farmer carry with left arm
    • 10 Merkins
    • Farmer carry with right arm
    • 10 Merkins
    • Farmer carry with left arm
    • 10 Merkins
    • Rifle carry to finish at the tennis courts
  • Tennis court work
    • 4 Rounds
      • Bear crawl across short side
      • 15 jump squats
      • Bear crawl back
      • 15 Overhead presses
    • Break work
      • Mosey to far end of the courts
      • 25 Merkins
      • Mosey back to your block
    • 4 Rounds
      • Lunge walk across short side
      • 15 Monkey humpers
      • Lunge walk back
      • 15 Curls
  • Getting back to coupon cage
    • Rifle carry to main gate
    • 10 Curls
    • Farmer carry right arm
    • 10 Curls
    • Farmer carry left arm
    • 10 Curls
    • Farmer carry right arm
    • 10 Curls
    • Farmer carry left arm
    • 10 Curls
    • Rifle carry to finish at coupon cage


  • F3250 - keep going! Set a number and hit it. Get some accountability so you'll hit it.
  • The Woodshed AO was officially launched this past Saturday - AOQ: Inspector
    • Meet the first Saturday of every month
  • Q sheets — let's get them filled! Runs, Epicenter, and Talon are pretty wide open. Go sign up and/or ask the AOQ to co-Q if you're not sure you can do a solo Q first.

Prayer Requests

  • John-Mark Scruggs - Emerald High School Basketball Coach - diagnosed with Leukemia - has been having treatments, but couldn't do the last because his white blood cell count was too low

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