There is No MDE in F3 Greenwood

Location: Fury, Tuesday 12.13

PAX: Brut (impromptu Q), Southern Belle, Foreclosure, Fratelli, Sunshine, Yorkie, Inspector (he ran like 20 miles)

Warmup (if any): 20 SSH, 10 Burpees OYO 

The Thang: no formal plan (hence the impromptu status of Q) so we went mobilish.  3 stops along the way to Lander campus for 20/20/20 Merkins, Squats, AB's  and we finally found the amphitheater (YHC zigged when he should have zagged).  

At this point, those in attendance may have wished scheduled Q had showed.  Work went as follows: Start at bottom step, working your way up by way of box jumping.  Each step you do hand release merkins, starting at 2 and increasing 2 each step.  5 steps in, and a whole bunch to go, YHC called Omaha!  We went up the ladder to 14 HR Merkins, then back down to 2 at top step.  Perform 20 Big Boys at the top, then work your way back down, this time doing Bonnie's (hard way) with same count, up to 14 then back down to 2 at bottom step.  AB's to the 6.

Mosey back to Fury, stopping once at the fountain for 20 leg raises and 20 decline merkins.  

On the hill back up to Pawn Shop we alternated jailbreak/mosey for 6 street lights.

Stopped at Pawn Shop for a dealers choice of 10 reps, each PAX calling an exercise.  If YHC remembers correctly we did : V-ups, Big Boys, Merkins, BDE Dolly's (Belle created this gem) which is a Hello Dolly into a Leg Raise into a Vertical Hello Dolly, 10 High Knee Jumps, and 10 Burpees.

Time running short, had to double time it back for COT.

We circled up, we counted, we named.

Announcements: Partay at Blu's Saturday, details and HC list on Twitter feed.

Prayer Requests: Crayola and Sharpies mother, The Boyter Family, Sharpies M about to have another 2.0

Short devotion on Enoch, and how God raised him to Heaven without dying because of his faithful walking with God all his life.  Made YHC reflect if it were my time (as Enoch) would that same grace have been extended to me?  YHC prayed us out.

NMM: if you are wondering, as I'm sure you are, there is a backstory behind the BB title.  When we returned to the Shovel Flag and informed Inspector 🛎️ had created a new exercise called BDE Dolly's, he quickly quipped "Why don't we ever do any MDE things in F3?"  ðŸ˜‚ that's a good question, but if we did I'm sure it wouldn't be as fun.

Brut signing off.

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