Manmaker Madness on Monday at Terrapin

Location: Terrapin

PAX: SouthernBelle, Duder, EncinoMan, Mayflower, Sunshine, Alpo, Fratelli, Special K, Tickle, BubbleWrap, Abacadaba, Boucher, Crayola, WileE, Landline, Flea, Tootsie Roll, BenGay

Warmup (if any):

-SSH x 25

-Merkins IC x 10

-Cut the grass x 15

Pair up. One of the pair go grab a coupon and meet at the pull-up bars.

The Thang:

EMOM timer was set for 5 minutes. Every time it went off, either 5 manmakers or 5 burpees were done. Exercise was based on who had the block when the timer went off.

-Just Hangin' Around

-PAX 1 holds a straight arm dead hang as long as possible. PAX 2 high planks until PAX 1 drops and then they flip flop. After both PAX completed straight arm dead hang. PAX 1 holds bent arm dead hang as long as possible. PAX 2 low planks until PAX 1 drops and then they flip flop. This is repeated one more time so each PAX completes 2 straight arm dead hangs and 2 bent arm dead hangs.


-After each set of the exercises below, PAX 1 rifle carries block around playground set while PAX 2 lunge walks. Once PAX 1 finishes rifle carry, PAX 2 returns back to the starting point and they move on to the next set of exercises. Each time, pair rotates who rifle carries and lunge walks.

-Set 1 – Merkins and KB Swings

-Set 2 - Merkins and Goblet Squats

-Ring of Fire

-PAX 1 formed a circle with the block while PAX 2 formed a circle without the block. Circle without the block always held an Al Gore position and did 5 squats when it was your turn. PAX 1 completed AMRAP of the exercise until PAX 2 were done. Once squat ring of fire was complete, circles flip flopped. We did three rounds of this with coupon exercise changing but squat ring of fire not changing. Exercises done with the coupon were: curl to press, triceps extension, biceps curl.

EMOM timer went off right before 6 for one more round of manmakers/burpees and recover was called.


-BC at Oaks this Saturday at 7.

-F3250 challenge. Sign-up and push yourself.

Prayer Requests:

-Brut's mom


-Dang. 18 on a Monday at Terrapin. YHC pulled in to the parking lot at 5:10 and it was already full so YHC had to use the auxiliary parking lot. YHC can't remember the last time that happened but it's a great problem to have. And then YHC was pleasantly surprised to see so many men in the gloom this morning. Probably the biggest crowd at Terrapin in a long time. Cadence calling is so much more satisfying when there is a large group out there. It also made YHC modify the weinke on the fly but, no complaints here about that either.

-Hopefully the big crowd is a sign of things to come as men answer the call of the F3250 challenge. Find that number and commit to it. Make it hard.

-YHC shared 1 John 2:3, "And how can we be sure that we belong to Him? By looking within ourselves; are we really trying to do what He wants us to?" What a question to ask ourselves every day. It's a difficult question, but an important one. Change in our life only occurs when we ask ourselves the hard questions and then begin to make steps to answer them. So, take every opportunity He gives you to make sure that the way we live our life shows Him.

Until next time,



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