New Year, New You. Unless you don’t post…

Location: Fury 12/29

PAX: Brut-Q, Fratelli, Boucher, Yorkie, Crayola

Warmup (if any): 20 SSH IC, 23 Plank Jacks IC, 20 Copperhead Squats IC, 23 Imperial Walkers IC

The Thang: Mosey to Pull-up bars.  Work began as follows—Running 1 minute 15 second EMOM. Each time it goes off, all PAX do 2 burpees and 3 pull-ups. In the meantime: 

20 reps first round of each:

HR Merkins

Big Boys


Knees to Block

Mosey to Laurel and back

Repeat with 23 reps of each. 

Mosey to Laurel and back. 

11's from Island to 1st Street Light

HR Merkins

Jungle Boy Squats

Gazebo Time

50 Step-ups

50 Calf Raises

50 Flutter Kicks

50 Gas Pumpers

Still a little time. I believe it was 20 incline merkins, 20 decline merkins, 20 squats and 20 big boys. 5 minute warning. Time for Title Belt Thursday Challenge. 

As reigning Champ, Crayola lead us back to main driveway. Challenge was Crawl-Bear back to shovel flag. First there or last PAX crawling wins. Yorkie took home the belt, solid work brother!  Recover called. 

Announcements:BenGay has Q Saturday, surely won't be any 🐻 crawls.  🙄 

Prayer Requests: Crayola and Sharpie's mom set for surgery Jan 20th.  YHC's mom got biopsy result back, Ductal Carcinoma, with metastasis to lymph nodes, meets with Oncologist tomorrow. All those dealing with plumbing issues, pastor of New Covenant house burned down.  YHC prayed us out.

NMM: Great work put in by all, honored to lead the last Fury Q of 22'.  Until next year, Brut is out.

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