Pre-Blast Pump and Run 5k – Unleash Your Inner Schwarzenegger!

Pump and Run 5k – Unleash Your Inner Schwarzenegger!

Date: December 30, 2023

Time: 6:00 am

Location: Manley Garvin, 340 Main St.

Greetings, Pumped-up Pacers!

Are you ready to flex those biceps, tighten those laces, and run like you stole Arnold's protein shake? Get ready for the Pump and Run 5k, a workout extravaganza that will leave you feeling like a muscle-bound gazelle.

Why 5K and not 3 miles you may ask!

Legend has it that back in the days of the Cold War, a group of Russian scientists, fueled by their love for running and a secret passion for skinny runner shorts (AKA Inspector's shorts), hatched a plan to infiltrate the U.S. through the metric system.

Picture it: A clandestine meeting in a dimly lit Moscow basement where Russian masterminds exchanged notes on shorts, sneakers, spandex, and the perfect post-run protein shake recipe. Their diabolical plan? Convince the world to embrace the metric system, making everyone run 5 kilometers instead of 3.1 miles.

Why, you ask? Well, the Russians figured that after exhausting themselves in a 5K, the entire American population would be too winded to resist a friendly invasion. Little did they know, we'd turn their diabolical plan into the most epic workout event on the planet.

So, lace up your shoes, flex those muscles, and join us as we turn their dastardly plot into the most patriotic pump and 5K on this side of the Iron Curtain.

Each Element Explained:

The Bench Press Unveiled: An Anatomy of Power

As you step into the hallowed realm of the bench press, imagine it as a symphony of strength, a carefully choreographed ballet between muscle and might. Let's dissect the orchestration of this powerhouse exercise, starting from the moment the barbell is liberated from its metallic sanctuary.

Initiation: With the barbell cradled in the sturdy embrace of the rack, your journey begins. Arms fully extended, you position yourself beneath the bar, a canvas awaiting the brushstrokes of determination. Your grip, a collaboration between flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis, establishes a connection with the cold, unyielding steel.

Descent – Eccentric Confluence: As you embark on the downward trajectory, the triceps brachii and pectoralis major, like coiled springs, initiate the controlled descent. Elbows, governed by the ulnar and radial collateral ligaments, perform a balletic bend, orchestrating a nuanced dance with gravity. Simultaneously, the deltoids lend their strength, gracefully guiding the humerus towards a harmonious alignment with the sternum.

The scapulae, under the command of the serratus anterior and trapezius, glide along the ribcage, stabilizing the shoulder blades in preparation for the impending ascent. Your pectoralis minor, rhomboids, and levator scapulae create a dynamic tension, a silent prelude to the crescendo awaiting in the upward surge.

Ascent – Concentric Resurgence: The pendulum of potential energy reaches its nadir, and here, the triceps, akin to a triumphant phoenix, reassert their dominance. A sinewy symphony of muscles, including the anterior deltoids, contribute to the upward thrust of the bar. The pectoralis major, now a prime mover, engages with the clavicular and sternal fibers, elevating the bar with a surge of controlled power.

The synergistic recruitment of the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and serratus anterior provides a stable foundation, ensuring the intricate dance remains harmonious. Meanwhile, the rectus abdominis and obliques function as the unwavering conductors of core stability, ensuring the kinetic energy channels through the most efficient pathways.

The Zenith – Synchronicity Achieved: At the zenith of the lift, the triceps lock out, an exclamation point to the symphony. Shoulders stabilize under the watchful eye of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor. The thoracic spine, under the guidance of the erector spinae, sustains an upright posture, a testament to the spinal integrity cultivated through the entire movement.

And thus, the bench press journey concludes – a saga of muscular collaboration, a tribute to the anatomical ballet performed with every repetition. As you unravel the layers of this biomechanical masterpiece, remember: You are not merely lifting a bar; you are conducting a symphony of strength.

Endurance Beyond the Repertoire: A Continual Crescendo

In the grand opus of strength, the bench press invites you to repeat this orchestrated masterpiece as many times as the tempo of your endurance allows, up to a grand crescendo of 30 reps. Each repetition is a stanza in the anthem of perseverance, an affirmation that the cadence of your strength knows no bounds. So, as you embark on this musical odyssey, continue the repetition, each lift echoing a resolute commitment to mastery. In this symphony of sweat and determination, may you find the fortitude to amplify your endurance, setting the stage for a performance that resonates with the echoes of accomplishment.

Navigating the Bench Press Symphony: A Personalized Score

As you immerse yourself in the sonorous realm of the bench press, consider it not just an exercise but a bespoke symphony tailored to your unique composition. Your weightlifting journey is influenced by the melodious interplay of age and strength, creating a harmony of effort and capability. For those aged 39 and under, it's a full-throttle crescendo – 100% of your might propelling the barbell. As the years compose their tune, each decade demands its own cadence: 90% for the 40-49 ensemble, 80% for the 50-59 orchestra, 70% for the 60-69 quartet, and a resilient 60% for the 70 and over virtuosos. Your musical sheet awaits below, guiding you to the precise notes of the bench press experience. Unveil your personalized score and embark on a lifting performance that resonates with the wisdom of age and the vigor of youth.

See chart below for your weightlifting concerto, and may your bench press symphony be nothing short of legendary.

Bench Press Percentage Chart:

Age Group

Percentage of Weight

39 and under








70 and over


The Running Part: It's 3.1 miles. What else do you need to know? It's not hard to figure out.

And now, without further ado...

The Rules:

  1. Weigh-in to take place right before you perform bench. Bench will be rounded to the closest number in increments of 5 and using the chart above. Weigh-in can be done without shoes.
  2. Bench press requirements:
    • A rep will consist of lowering the bar to touching the chest and then raising to the full extension of arms.
    • Shoulders and rear must remain on the bench.
    • The only position allowed to stop is on full extension. Any stop or pause anywhere else will terminate the press.
    • Feet must remain on the floor during the lift. If necessary, plates can be placed under feet.
  3. Bench Press as many as you can up to 30 reps max. Each rep will take 30 seconds off your finish 5K time.
  4. The 5k will be marked (maybe). It is Mill Hill 5k on Strava.
  5. Post-race flex-off: Compare gains, share your best Arnold impression, and decide who gets the title of Pump and Run Champion.

So, lace up, lift heavy, and let's turn this 5k into the most epic workout session of the century! Get ready to pump, run, and conquer – because, in the immortal words of Arnold, "It's not a competition unless I win."

Stay pumped,


I think I’ll sleep in tomorrow


RED Friday 6/9/23


Smelt, Bengay, Duggar, Brut, Crayola, Sunshine, Tootsie Roll, Snake Eyes, Uncle Jesse, Rapunzel - Q


Mosey to Coupon Cage

The Thang

Muller (F3 Mod)

FF James Michael Muller (25)

Engine Co. 171 - Irmo FD

Died in Columbia, SC on 5/26/2023 when an apartment building he was fighting fire in collapsed on he and 7 other firefighters entrapping them. The other 7 survived their injuries.

He is survived by his parents, sister, wife and 2yo son

3 rounds (171 Reps)

400m +\- every round

20 Merkins

15 Mountain Climbers (4x)

10 Burpees

7 Goblet Squats

3(0) OHP

2x 50 ft Bear Crawl

Extra Credit

70 Big boys

70 Squats

70 Bent Over Row


Saturday Bootcamp South Main 6:00AM

FoF 5K Saturday 8:00AM

Prayer Requests

Smelt's recovery


Smelt went and gave us all a bit of a scare this morning. Since his FNG post on Monday he has not missed a workout - including Thursday's Encinoman Fury beat down - and his body finally told him it wasn't interested in keeping up with his workhorse will power. 

YHC has been encouraged today knowing we at F3 Greenwood have a group of brothers that can step in and intercede for each other real time in our times of need. 

Like you said from your spot on the Starbucks sidewalk this morning Smelt "sleep in tomorrow", you've earned it.

Be Like Fratelli When I Grow Up

Location: Fury, 5/23

PAX:Brut-Q, Rapunzel, Duggar, Tootsie Roll, Mayflower, Fratelli, Crayola, Pacer

Warmup (if any): awaiting Duggar coming in hot, 20 SSH IC and 20 Imperial Walkers IC.  In strolls Duggar and off we go.  Mobile bootcamp with a destination in mind for main work.  We did the following:

The Thang: 

25/25/25 at Laurel (merkins, squats, abs)

25/25/25 at Pawn Shop

25 box jumps/25 leg Raises/25 decline merkins at fountain

Mosey to Amphitheater

Box jump up. 1 burpee and keep going up to 6, then 6 back down up to top step. 

50 calf raises, 50 LBC's at the top.

BDE burpee jump down, 10 dips all the way down. 

Mosey back to fountain. 25 incline merkins, 40 split squats (20 each leg), 25 Abs of choice

Mosey to Pull-up bar house : 2 rounds of 10 pull-ups and 10 burpees

25/25/25 at Pawn Shop

Take it on back to the flag.  Finished right at 6, RECOVER called.

Announcements: Festivus for rest of us 5K June 10, Memorial Day Murph from fountain, waves going off from 5:45.

Prayer Requests: Errbody, YHC prayed us out.

NMM: I mentioned on the mosey back to Rapunzel I wanted to be like Fratelli when I grow up.  Man ran a 1/2 Saturday morning, and was back at it, a leg intense mobile bootcamp, 2 days later!  Stud.  Way to show out this morning fellas.  Always a pleasure to lead this group of HIMS.

Brut is out


Location: Fury 5/2/23

PAX: Brut (Q), Fratelli, Snake Eyes, Crayola, Rapunzel, Tootsie Roll

Warmup (if any): Head to the area formerly known as pull-up bar area and partner up.  1 partner grabs a coupon, the other grabs a Slosh Stick and meet back at the flag.

The Thang: Mosey down to the Gazebo, time to get the party started.  Partners grab a table.

Partner 1 does 50 Slosh Step-ups while Partner 2 does 50 BDE Big Boys with coupon, do 50 calf raises each, then switch work.

Grab our gear and mosey towards the bottom of Fury, stopping 4 times along the way for sets of 10 squats, swapping Slosh and coupon each set.

Bottom of Fury Dora

Partner 1 does work with Slosh Stick while Partner 2 farmer carry coupon to CFA driveway and back, switcharoo.  Work is cumulative totals: 100 Slosh-Merkins, 200 Slosh Lunges, 300 AB's of choice (with many being Crayola created American Sloshers), and finally 200 Slosh Squats.

Time to mosey back up Fury hill.  Multiple stops called along the way, with each PAX completing a set of 10 with Slosh and Coupon.  We stopped for : Merkins, Overhead Presses, and Curls.

Back at the area formerly known as pull-up bar area, we got 2 minutes left.  Max effort burpees 1st minute and max effort Big Boys second minute.  Time, and RECOVER called.  Circle up at the 🇺🇸 

We counted, we named, we announced, and YHC prayed us out.

Announcements: Saturday at Woodshed, Saturday after that 8yr Anny Convergence at Epicenter, cookout to follow with Fam.

Prayer Requests: Bubblewrap 2.0, Crayola and Sharpies mom.

NMM: Well to test an old saying, you can't find out if you don't mess around, or something like that.  YHC has been eyeing the slosh sticks for a while since the fun police tore down all our bars.  So I took it upon myself to incorporate as many slosh stick substitutes into exercise as possible.  Only major audible was Slosh-Makers, not really a time friendly endeavor so we did Slosh-Merkins instead.  Crayola wins the gold ⭐️ for modifying my idea for American Sloshers (had to be there) and making it work.  Great crowd, all busted it this morning.  Always an honor to lead these men in the gloom.

Brut is signing off…

How Bad Could 5 Rounds Be?

Location: Fury Thursday 3/23

PAX:Brut-Q, Crayola, Bubblewrap, Mayflower, Fratelli, Flea, Encinoman, Rapunzel, Duggar, Quickie

Warmup (if any): Heading to Pull-up Bars 😆 

The Thang: 5 rounds of work, 2 separate sets of exercises, with a running 3 minute EMOM of 3 Manmakers. 5/10/15/20/25 was the rep count for set 1, 10/20/30 for set 2.

Set 1: Pull-ups/KB Swings/Dips/Big Boys/Merkins

Set 2: HR Merkins/Ab of Choice/Squats

Tabata time.  45/15 work rest ratio of the following: X-Factors, Windshield Wipers, Thrusters, Goblet Squats, Flutter Kicks, Hello Dollies, Curls, Overhead Press, LBC's and "I Can't Recalls"

Last Hurrah: Around the horn for PAX calling 10 reps of an exercise and all performing.  Exercises included Cut The Grass ( 🙄) courtesy of Flea, HR Merkins, Big Boys, Burpees ( 🤦‍♂️) courtesy of Fratelli, Overhead Press, Goblet Squats ( I think) and a few others.  Time called for Title Belt Challenge.

Per Duggar's challenge: Pick up 2 coupons and double farmer carry until ya can't carry no mo!  Final competitors were Crayola, Quickie, and Rapunzel.  Rapunzel narrowly edged out Quickie for the Belt.  Way to grind fellas!

RECOVER called. Circled up, counted, and named.  

Announcements: Bump n Grind (wait that's R Kelly) I mean Pump n Run  ask Duggar for details.

Prayer Requests: Ridley (Duggars son) in hospital in Japan set for Thursday. Crayola had a player break their ankle and needs surgery. Garrett ( South Main Bible study) collapsed and taken to ER.

NMM: Way to grind fellas.  Proud to lead this group of HIMs in a particularly gloomy Gloom.  Way to get after it.

Brut is out.

Oh The Burn of Fury

Location: Fury, Tuesday 3/21

PAX: Brut-Q, Fratelli, Duggar, Yorkie, Bubblewrap, Boucher, Pacer, Mayflower

Warmup (if any): 20 SSH, 5 Burpees, 20 Imperial Walkers, 5 Burpees, 15 Cut the Grass, 5 Burpees

The Thang:Mosey to Gazebo: 50 Step-ups, 50 Leg Raises, 50 Decline Merkins

On down to Fury we go.  One stop at Project Hope for 25 squats, 25 Merkins, 25 Abs of choice.  Down to the bottom.

Dora time.  Partner up, work is cumulative.  100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 abs.  While partner 1 works, 2 goes up to reflectors, alternating forward and backpedal each round (enter the 🔥).  

Dora complete, so what goes down must run back up.  Stopping again at Project Hope drive, 25 squats, 25 Bonnie's (hard way) and 25 abs of choice.

Back to where we began at the Gazebo.  50 incline merkins, 50 dips, 50 2-count flutter kicks (I think?)

Mosey back to flag, 30 second plank, and RECOVER called.

We circled, counted, and named.

Announcements:Pump and Run from MG April 22nd.  Message Duggar for details.

Prayer Requests: Duggar son Ridley in hospital still in Japan, Crayola ans Sharpies mom, Pacer's M having an MRI.

YHC prayed us out.

NMM: Solid grind as always by some Furians, way to put in the work.  The 100 burpee and 200 merkin back to back in Dora was a killer.  Glad Boucher didn't ditch us for the Retirement Home, even though BC was slightly mobile.  Way to get better brother!  Always an honor to lead this crew.

Brut is out.


Location: REDFriday

PAX: Abacadaba, Tickle, Crayola, Bubblewrap, Brut-Q

Warmup (if any):

The Thang: 

Announcements: BenGay -Q tomorrow, Stollin 4 Yo Colon tomorrow @ 9  

Prayer Requests: Crayola and Sharpies mom and sister in law, Lewinski dad, Brut's mom.

NMM: Was an honor to lead a group of HIMs to honor a hero today.  Until next time.  

Brut is out.

Pi day at Fury

Location: Fury

PAX: Southern Belle, Crayola, Bubble Wrap, Yorkie, Fratelli, Foreclosure, Mayflower, Duggar, Pacer, Sunshine, Brut, BenGay

Warmup (if any): Mosey to the coupon pile, grab a coupon, and go to the pavilion.

The Thang:

We're Doing What?

-PAX paired up and the following instructions were given. After we moseyed down to the lake, PAX 1 was going to begin lunge walking around the lake to the right. PAX 2 was going to mosey around the lake to the left. When the PAX meet, PAX 1 will start moseying back from where he came from while PAX 2 will continue to lunge walk in the same direction. Keep flipflopping until a complete circle was made.

-After completing one trip around the lake, proceed back to the pavilion for the next part.

Celebrating Pi Day OYO (Total of 314 reps)

-50 reps of the following:


-Flutters the hard way with the block in press position

-Incline merkins

-Freddie Mercuries

-KB Swings


-14 reps of BDE burpees

Abs until both members of the original pair are done and then mosey around the lake together. After that, return to the pavilion for abs until the 6 comes in.

Mosey back to the coupon pile to return the coupons. We had 5 minutes left so we divided up into 3 teams in front of the pull-up bars. One PAX hung while the rest planked.

Recover was called and we returned to the flag.


Q sheet is wide open

Prayer Requests:

Crayola's mom is having surgery today.


-YHC instructed everyone to bring headlights the night before on Twitter. It's pretty dark down by the lake. The lunge walks were definitely a crowd pleaser. And I'm sure we'll see them again.

-The guys killed the work this morning. Yorkie, Bubble Wrap, and Mayflower have all jumped in and are getting after it. Goes to show what consistency will do for you. Foreclosure was very impressed by the length of Sunshine's arms during the hanging portion and might have made a parallel to another part of the body. But you had to be there to know for sure.

-YHC shared that trials, tribulations, and suffering are a part of life. But, for those of us who are Christ followers, He asks us to trust in Him as we go through those times. And we should take these as a compliment since He must care enough about us to give us opportunities to be molded into His image. So, during these times, we are called to lean on Him and also our brothers in the gloom.

Until next time,


It's Pi Day! Circles for the win!


  • Epicenter - 3/14/23 Pi Day


  • Abacadaba, Tickle

Warm up

  • SSH
  • 5 Merkins OYO
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 5 Merkins OYO
  • CTG
  • 5 Merkins OYO

The Work

In honor of Pi Day we ran some circles and did some work.  🥧 💪🏻

5 stations around the 400 loop - 3 rounds of 3 exercises with 14 reps each at each station

Station 1:


  • Pull ups
  • Dips
  • Bonnie Blairs (hard way)

Run 400+ to next station

Station 2:


  • Swirkins
  • Monkey humpers
  • Squats

Run 400+ to next station

Station 3:


  • Flutter kicks (hard way)
  • American hammers
  • Merkins

Run 400+ to next station

Station 4:


  • Box jumps / step ups
  • Gas pumpers
  • Shoulder tap Merkins (both shoulders each)

Run 400+ to next station

Station 5:


  • Lunge walk to pull up bars and back to corner
Recover called.



Prayer Requests

  • Lewinski's Dad
  • Crayola's and Sharpie's mom (surgery)

The Rain Must Not Be for Everyone

RED Friday 3/10/23


Q-Southern Belle


Conditions- raining, and not, raining again, and then not…


PAX- BenGay, Crayola, Southern Belle


The Thang-


Bauer WOD-

  • For Time
  • 2 minute Elbow Plank (in silence)
  • 13 Burpees
  • 18 Kettlebell Swings
  • 31 Merkins
  • 53 Goblet Squats
  • 53 Burpees
  • 31 Kettlebell Swings
  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Goblet Squats
  • 2 minute Wall Sit (in silence)

Jack WOD-

  • AMRAP in 20 minutes
  • 10 Push Presses
  • 10 Kettlebell Swings
  • 10 Box Jumps

Bauer- This workout is dedicated to Chicago Police Cmdr. Paul Bauer who was shot and killed in the line of duty after a chase and struggle on February 13, 2018.

Jack- Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, OK, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, WA, died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber, and Abi.




Announcements- Get yo peanut butter. Work day at Connie Maxwell Sat from 9-11.

Prayer requests- Crayola’s mom having surgery Tuesday 3/14.

DO BETTER! YHC didn’t have a particular verse to share but challenged our PAX to do better. We wake up way to early in the mornings to go work out and get better physically. Maybe so much so that it may take some of our drive throughout the day to DO BETTER in other areas of our lives. Speaking for myself, I can DO BETTER as a husband, DO BETTER as a dad, DO BETTER as a friend, or DO BETTER at my job. Sometimes it’s not enough to just get by. As men and leaders, we should go the extra mile and DO BETTER at doing life.

YHC prayed us out.

NMM- Evidently, I must have some kind of jinx on me when it comes to Q’ing RED Friday. I bet it has rained 8 out of 10 of my last Q’s here. Kudos to BenGay and Crayola for showing up when everything else was telling them it would be better to stay at home in a warm bed. Being completely transparent, I probably would have too. But that is one good thing about signing up to Q. You know you have to be there, rain or not, tired or not, cold or not. There are guys that are going to show up counting on you to be there. So get your arses on the Q sheet! Sometimes you have to be your own accountability. Evidently rain isn’t for everyone, even though we had a nice dry place to put our downpainment. Two fallen heros were honored. 3 HIMS got better so we could go about our day and DO BETTER!

Southern Belle is hanging up…


No Quit in That Horse

Location: Talon, Saturday 3/11

PAX: Sunshine, Tickle, Foreclosure, Bubblewrap, Fratelli, Landline, Swingline, Special K, Flea, Brut-Q, Triple Bogey, Inspector, Switch, Sharpie, Rapunzel

Warmup (if any): 25 SSH, 20 Shoulder Taps, 20 Imperial Walkers

The Thang: And so it begins.  Head to Covered area.  50 leg raises, 25 Box Jumps, 25 Decline Merkins.  Next up 1 minute Wall sit, 25 more decline Merkins, 50 calf raises. 

Short mosey to back playground.  1/1/1 all the way to 10/10/10 reps of the following: Merkins, Big Boys, Pull-ups.  

Mosey back to parking lot, with a short stop at the steps for 50 more calf raises.  

30 minute AMRAP: 5 exercises, 24 reps of each = 1 round.  After you complete a round, alternate forward/backward mosey painted parking spots and back.  Exercises were: Bonnie Blair's (easy way), Hollow Rocks, Squats, Big Boys, Burpees. After 3 rounds we had about 10 minutes left, quick audible to mix it up for the grand finale.

Line up first parking space, a PAX calls 5-10 reps of an exercise, all perform work then 🐻 crawl to next spot, and go on down the line of PAX and repeat.  Burpees were flowing like the salmon of Capistrano, and we ended with a 60 second plank.  RECOVER called, circled up.  We counted, named, announced, and YHC prayed us out.

Announcements: Connie Max work day today and presentation of PB and fundraising, 9-11.  Thank you Swingline for including us to help this awesome ministry.  He had his ride sitting in the axles packed with peanut butter!  

Prayer Requests: Crayola and Sharpie's mom, Budweiser's family with passing of his dad.

NMM: Point 1, hollow rocks are no joke, abs were a burning after those and big boys.  Point 2, YHC hopes Fratelli still has skin left on his shin (hazard of premosey and box jumps combo).  Point 3: 600 jars of peanut butter weighs a lot!  Point 4: A Clydesdale rolled into COT late (had to get all prescribed miles) and admitted to narrowly avoiding the F3 name Shrinkage. 😂 Could have been worse, a sanitation worker was dubbed Outhouse and never was seen again.  If ya can't take the heat, get yo butt out da kitchen.  Great crowd today, top shelf effort by all.  As always, an honor to lead this group of HIMS.  

Brut is out